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*What determines if a magical girl lives in the Officio or in an apartment?  
*What determines if a magical girl lives in the Officio or in an apartment?  
**Her rank, and how well she gets along with the other girls in a communal quarters environment. [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116222280884]
**Her rank, and how well she gets along with the other girls in a communal quarters environment. [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116222280884]
*Is the moon actually a giant robot?
**No, there's just a moon base on it! [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116141031860]
*What does the First do for fun?
**Check out the nearby orbiting giant Grief Seed, be more powerful than anyone else on the planet, hold themselves back from drawing dicks on Offico headquarters with the moon laser, bowling. Bowling is pretty big there. [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116141096116]
*If they don't draw dicks on the earthside Officio HQs, do the members of the 1st ever get creative with lazed art on non-officio surfaces?
**They don't! [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116166294964]
*Do you think short megucas like Rea and Odette have support groups for coping with their shortness?
**Not really, no. I don't think they get bothered too much by being megucalets. [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116109585588]
*How many magical girls actually make it through college, with a degree and everything?
**Quite a lot! Kyuubey offers advanced and accelerated classes once megucas graduate from high school, if they want to do it full time (24-hour classes, that kind of thing). [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116031567284]
*Besides the Culexus, how is the category of a magical girl chosen anyways? If it's on the weapon they get, how would they choose whether or not to be a Callidus? What if they have no weapon? Can they still be an Eversor or Vindicare?
**The Incubator generally decides what kind of rank they're going into, and they usually can tell with the Soul Gem they make. They CAN choose to be a Callidus after basic training, provided they pass the trials for it and the Incubator/Warmaster approves. If they have no weapon, one will be provided. And yes, they can be an Eversor or Vindicare if they want. [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/115947798196]
*17th officio is surely the politest, but which officio(s) are the nicest? The most magnanimous?
**Hmm, I don't know about the nicest, because all Officios have their own interests. Maybe the Seventh fits your category? They're a refuge for disgraced/hunted Magical Girls who just want to disappear, and they help overwrite contacts. Getting to them is no easy feat, though. [http://ask.fm/Deculture/answer/116074638772]

Revision as of 00:50, 2 April 2015

A collection of Question and Answer sessions with Deculture, collected from threads or from his Ask.fm. This page contains questions and answers about mundane aspects of the setting, including buildings, geographic locations, institutions such as Officios, political entities, and general non-magic-related setting info.

Questions from Threads

Questions from Ask.fm

  • Are there any megucas in places of power outside of Officio control, like queens, princesses or politicians?

  • Is there any spy from the Twentieh in the Ninth? And in case the answer is yes... IS ONE OF THE GIRLS THAT WE KNOW????!!!!!
    • It's rumored that the Twentieth has spies in all the Officios. The only way to be sure is to purge your entire Officio down to the last girl, and then kill her just to be double-sure! [2]

  • Which religions correspond to red and blue truth?
    • I'm not sure if I can point out any equivalents, but the faith that believes in the Blood Knight's teachings would most likely be somewhat Viking-ish? Valhalla, fighting, drinking, so on. As for the First Knight, it would be hardcore Crusader catholic + Imperial Creed, with a strong emphasis of crushing heretics under your heel. [3]

  • In the MGNQ universe, who popularized the use of "dildos" in the 9th Officio and what is it's definition in context? Just an expletive?
    • That honor goes directly to Sayaka, after one of her visits to the Eighth. She didn't know the exact meaning of it (and she still doesn't) but she figured it was a really unique way to call someone a fucking idiot. And so it's taken root in the Ninth as part of the vernacular there, to call someone out on their lack of skill, common sense, or just being an idiot in general. [4]

  • Does the first officio issue meguca holidays?
    • Yep! There are holidays like Emperor's Day, Day of the First Knight, holidays where the Megucas can take breaks! [5]

  • What does the ideal Eversor breakfast look like?
    • High protein, high energy! Meat, preferably rare and bloody, with energy drinks! [6]

  • So, like, raw meat? Freshly killed meat? Meat that's alive right up until it's consumed?
    • Yep! Of course Sayaka just cooks a lot of steak for Kyoko. She's trying to make her eat healthier so instead of beef it's usually tuna or salmon. [7]

  • Sayaka hasn't be introduced to the 10/10 meat that is chicken I see. (red meat is supposed to be bad for you yes?)
    • It's bad for sedentary folk, yeah. But if you're really building muscle (and have a hyperactive Eversor metabolism) then protein is protein. [8]

  • 2 questions: Does the Church of the Blessed Lady have things like Saints? Did the Blessed Lady religion exit before the arrival of the 20 Officio-leading Incubators?
    • The Church does indeed have things like saints. And yes, it did! [9]

  • Who made the futa formula and why?
    • Amber Nakajima did. "For kicks." [10]

  • Does the futa formula work on non-magical girls?
    • Yes but it's generally not recommended because it stays permanent
    • I had to think about that in the middle of doing my reports at work
    • What am I doing [11]

  • When will the Futa Formula show up in quest?
    • It's called Solution H anon [12]

  • I have two question DECULTURE! Do magical girls of the nineth read teen age novels(like Fifty shades)? AND will sempai ever notice me?
    • MM x MM is the Fifty Shades of Magical Girls, Anon. It is that trashy.
    • And yes, sempai will notice you. Eventually. [13]

  • How much does your Officio/Officios pay its employees?
    • It's hard to pin it down to exact yen or dollar values, but suffice to say trainees or newcomers get a generous weekly allowance, active members on duty get a monthly salary based on rank, performance and mission output.
    • Chiaki's pay grade is basically The Officio's Bank account = Her bank account. She just needs Kyuubey's signed permission for any big purchases. [14]

  • Given Chiaki's popularity in the 9th, are there any MGs who have attempted to mimic her mannerisms or clothing styles? Were there any trends started by Chiaki?
    • Some Magical Girls tried out the cigarettes, whiskey and painkillers thing, but found that smelling like a spit-encrusted ashtray in some hole-in-the-wall bar on the wrong side of town wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
    • There was also a lot of broken wrists from people trying to one-hand a Desert Eagle.[15]

  • Does the 9th Officio have a war vehicle?

  • Are Eversor's taught to fight with missing limbs? Is that something that is trained in some Officios? Or is it just something you'll have to figure out on your own when it happens?‎
    • A little bit of both. I think Sayaka intentionally lops off an arm or a leg from her most promising trainees when they go up for multi-opponent sparring rounds. The Sixth does something similar in that regard. [17]

  • Do Eversors also get attitude training? Or do they all just have extreme personalities?
    • They have anger management classes. [18]

  • Do your Officios have any sort of hazing rituals/traditions that they put newcomers through?
    • One of the initiation rituals of the First is to space a new recruit without a suit or oxygen and force her to rely on her abilities to stay alive for an entire week. The First Warmaster survived for an entire month. [19]

  • Are there any Officios in Africa or India?
    • I don't think so. I'd hazard there are sattelite offices of nearby Officios there. [20]

  • Do Officios ever meet up to do something fun? Like organize magical football tournaments or Warmaster poker games?
    • There's always something like that year after year, yes. Like Inter-Officio Warmaster/Rank Leader fighting tournaments, tests of strength/skill and beauty pageants as well (especially for Callidus. The Twentieth are always no-shows.)
    • Vindicares from all over the world also congregate yearly at the Sixth Officio for a videogame tournament that Rea Ashford is the champion of for three years running. [21]

  • Whatever happened to Coobs discouraging workplace relationships? Did he notice the insane amounts of lesbianism one day and realize not even orbital bombardment from the first could stop this?
    • Pretty much that. He reminds everyone not to do it, but turns a blind eye to the stuff he sees. It's more 'just don't exchange spit in public where everyone can see' etc. [22]

  • Malal! What lead to the conception of the tradition that Culexuses must share a precognition of a friend's death before their skull can be painted on their helmet? Was it something you came up with? Who painted the skull on your helmet?
    • "It was something I learned from the Seventh's Spiritual Liege. People may see it as dark and morbid but I think it's a good exercise to be at peace with the impermanence of life, and the acceptance of the fact that we're all going to die someday. No other Magical Girl understands those two things better than a Culexus does. And marking your helmet with a skull is symbolic - you don't dread the knowledge that you've seen, you're wearing it as armor. You've accepted it, you've made peace with it, and no one can use it against you.
    • I had Xiaomei paint the skull for me, that's why it looks so good. She's actually quite good with a paintbrush, and she makes for great conversation even if she gets a bit too naggy at times.
    • Why skulls though? I don't know. Because they're cool? What do you want from me?" [23]

  • Is there a similar meguca:civilian ratio among Officios, or does it depend on the Officio?
    • It depends on the Officio! [24]

  • Other than Twitter/Chirpee, what other websites have different names in MGNQ?
    • Bad Dragon > Dildo Emperor's Dildo Emporium [25]

  • So just being insufferable isn't enough to get a magical girl retired?
    • Nnno. If you're a Magical Girl and you find someone else insufferable, you challenge them to an honor duel. If that doesn't settle it, you challenge them to a murder duel. [26]

  • What determines if a magical girl needs to be retired?
    • Incubators can track the state of Soul Gem purity of every girl contracted to them, as well as their general mental state and well-being. Sometimes they'll get flagged on a particular magical girl, who, while their gem may be pure, is quickly degenerating in a mental sense - probably someone whose power has compromised them, or simply breaking down from all the pressure, or even just going absolutely nuts. Their Soul Gems would slowly start to darken in a way that no Grief Seed would be able to resolve - it's that kind of despair that no one can come back from, and Incubators need to make sure they don't spread it to the other girls or they'll have a crisis on their hands. Thus, retirement. [27]

  • Are eversors generally proficient with all melee weapons?
    • They're trained to be proficient in a handful of weapons (minimum of ten) and be masterful at their favorite. But usually they can pick up any weapon and be reasonably deadly with it. [28]

  • I was thinking about the whole Oriko ordeal (that we still have to wrap up coughcoughDecucoughcough), and in addition to reading that one magical girl pirate writeup, how many rebellion magical girl groups are there?
    • Not a whole lot. Incubators rarely like loose ends running about. [29]

  • How involved were the incubators in historical political events (like WWII, Cold War, etc.)?
    • More than we know but less than they think! [30]

  • Can a meguca turn down a warmaster promotion?
    • Of course she can. Mami did it before, Malal did it. [31]

  • What's the current year of MGNQ?
  • 820XX! [32]

  • On average, how long does it take to train each type of meguca?
    • Eversors and Vindicares usually take around three months to half a year. Callidus takes a year to two. Culexus train basically all their lives - which is three years max. Hahahaha! [33]

  • Aside from Walpurgisnacht, what other times do most of the officios work together?
    • When all the Incubators decide that a particular Magical Girl has fallen enough that she presents a terrible risk not only to their own pieces but also the entire game board, the Second will declare that magical girl as Diabolus Traitoris. The First will authorize it. The Magical Girl will then be hunted by all the Officios until she is killed. [34]

  • How proficient is your average Eversor with firearms and ranged weapons? How proficient is your average Vindicare with melee weapons?
    • Proficient enough to know that looking down the barrel to check for jams is wrong. Proficient enough to know that the pointy end goes into the other combatant! [35]

  • How effective was the Ninth under Vintage's administration?
    • Aggressive business growth, multiple revenue streams, even more aggressive mundane/magical staff recruitment drives...basically she helped the Ninth become a financial superpower. [36]

  • >effectiveness of Vintage's administration // In that case, how was Kharn's reign as Warmaster? Overall, did she increase or decrease the Ninth's standing among the other Officios?
    • Whenever Kharn slips the leash she's either fucking other magical girls or fighting them to the death. Sometimes both. Draw your conclusion. [37]

  • >Draw your conclusion. // True, though I was also wondering if Malal's influence had merely kept the Ninth from sinking (or failed to do even that), or had actually built upon what Vintage had already made.
    • She built upon it for sure. Vintage passed on as much knowledge as she could to Malal. [38]

  • Which Officio is, overall, the best at sex? What about the Officio that's best at being lewd?

  • >The Ninth // Is this only true ever since Midori joined the Ninth?

  • How do the Officios have huge stacks of Grief Seeds if a meguca pretty much needs to restore after like one witch fight on average, especially considering that there's sometimes more than one meguca fighting a witch?
    • That will be explained soon, hahaha! [41]

  • How do the Officios obtain Grief Seeds if they retire all their Puellas before they Witch out?
    • Sometimes they don't quite get to retire their Puellas before they Witch out. [42]

  • What does the average Eversor of the Ninth do to train?
    • Turning their bodies into INVINCIBLE KILLING MACHINES! [43]

  • What kind of training exercises?
    • Well, I haven't really thought of specifics, but Sayaka's training regimen for all Eversors (since she's Rank Leader now, she gets to set them) is basically a whole lot of skill and combat training juxtaposed with training exercises designed to make Eversors stronger, faster and harder. This means weightlifting and cardio. Some legendary ones include chopping off a novitiate's arm, giving her a sword, and having her fight off an entire squad and lasting for as long as possible. Live-weapon kumites are also common. [44]

  • Is Dethklok in the MGNQ Universe as ridiculously rich/hyped/popular as in the series? Or are they more realistically so, like Metallica, Queen and other legendary bands? What about Snakes N' Barrels, Thunderhorse and Zazz Blammymatazz?
    • They're more realistically famous like famous rock bands, same goes for the others. It's Super Idols like Kirishima Ruri that have achieved Metalocalypse Dethklok-like stardom. The entire Kirishima Ruri franchise earns enough money to buy Belgium. [45]

  • How do the Callidus trainees view Enishi?
    • "Miss Enishi's really good as a Callidus and as a trainer, but I think she's got a complex about losing her v-card or something..."
    • "Maybe she's had some bad experience with guys? I've tried helping her get an online dating profile, but she kept crying about how it keeps linking her to guys who wear hats a lot."
    • "Don't catch her in a bad mood, or she'll really ruin your day. By dragging you into her room and forcing you to watch these western movies about girls falling in love with the wrong guy. That's for the rest of the day, so say goodbye to your schedule."
    • "At least she's not as bad as Miss Sayaka, but please, someone get her laid!" [46]

  • How related are the Church of the Blessed Lady (Madokami followers) and the Cult that Wendy joined/infiltrated (Pinky followers)?
    • They're different sects, like the Roman Catholic Church is somewhat related but still seperate from, say, 7th Day Adventists. They still worship the same goddess, just not in the same way, or they worship different interpretations of her. [47]

  • Has the First actually contracted any of his current magical girls himself? Or are they all taken from other Officios?
    • I think one or two are contracted by the First personally. All the others are taken from other Officios. [48]

  • Are there doujins of the Miracle Midori doujins, and if there are how does Midori feel about Miracle Midori and Murder Mayumi being taken by faceless men?
    • Asked this one to Midori herself. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
    • [Redacted]: I can imagine a substantially popular doujin series of an original property could probably inspire it's own doujins, yes.
    • [Redacted]: It's complicated. She knows that's just how a lot of doujins are. She can't really say she approves because magical girls raped by normal people feels like it's against the spirit of what she'd want in her setting.
    • [Redacted]: That, and she doesn't want to say anything good about rape at all, even though it happens in her own books and may or may not have have been complicit with it in real life.
    • [Redacted]: (In secret she thinks "room full of faceless men" rape porn isn't that bad, though.) [49]

  • are there officios in north/south poles?
    • There should be, or at the very least satellite offices. [50]

  • What would be the designation of a Magical Girl that wished to be an -extremely- good pilot? [or tank operator, driver, whatever]
    • Any of the other ranks. Any responsible Incubator will use that wish (moreso if it's a Culexus-worthy wish) to make sure that the magical girl has other uses BESIDES being someone behind the wheel. [51]

  • Has there been any other Warmasters of the Fourth aside from Petra?

    • Can megucas cause themselves to witch out? If so, what would happen if multiple girls did that next to each other at the same time?
    • Witching out isn't quite a voluntary thing, but it's kind of like how a suicide pact will go. There are certain substances and things you can do to trigger a self-witch out. If multiple witches manifest all at the same time, it can cause an amalgamation that may be tougher to put down than a single witch, and this'll necessitate multiple squads being rolled out to address it. [53]

  • How is an Eversor's weapon chosen? i.e. Sayaka and Kyouko just started using swords and spears because they were given to them, but could a girl ditch that and just use whatever?
    • Of course! An Eversor is always obligated to obtain perfect mastery of the weapon their Magical Girl form gives them, but they're also required to be handy with other stuff. [54]

  • so aside from the traditional form of putting a ring on it, what are the more popular things meguca's do to show that sign of commitment with their significant other/others?
    • They name weapons and final attacks after their loved ones. [55]

  • What is the Ninth the best at? What are they merely really good at?
    • Just like the Ninth, they're a great all-rounder - the Ryu to the Eight's Ken. They also offer attractie package deals for the discerning customer. [56]

  • What're the differences between prosthetic limbs from the Second and prosthetic limbs from the Fourth?
    • The Second gets a lot of help from the Fourth to develop their own tech, but mostly the difference is that tech from the Second = more about being able to take abuse/heavy combat usage, and the Fourth will be for more delicate things/modular tech/possibly multipurpose. [57]

  • So the Sixth 'gets all the bitches' as it were?‎
    • No, that's Kharn. The Sixth just smell pleasantly primal. Must be all the exercise and training they do! [58]

  • Which meguca parties hardest?
    • It is known that the Fourteenth throws the best parties. The Eighth throws the loudest. [59]

  • Are the numbers on all of the weapons supposed to represent arcanas (same as the Officios)
    • Yep! But the Officio numbers, not so much. They're just numbers corresponding to the Incubator that owns them. [60]

  • Was the officio system established on "first contact" or did the Incubators have a period where they did contracts in the original TV series? If so, are there any veteran girls from that period?
    • The latter, and no, they're mostly dead or Witched Out. [61]

  • I always thought Yuma & All Culexus of the 9th wore 1:1 hardsuits of Malal's design, but is AirtightTrash's on Yuma's hardsuit canon as of current time? or has she since swapped over?
    • I think AirtightTrash's version of Yuma's hardsuit is a bit simplified. Yuma's is slightly different, as with special cases. [62]

  • Does the Warmaster of the First have a special title?

  • Is there a warmaster hazing by other warmasters of other officios?
    • Hahahaha! Maybe! [64]

  • will there be a secret warmaster initiation rights?

  • Does the Ninth Officio have a mobile carrier/some sort of battleship/armored personnel carrier on-call? If it doesn't have a name yet, can Chiaki name it?
    • This is possible, hahaha! And yes, I suppose Chiaki could! [66]

  • which officio has a standard uniforms for formal events?
    • Pretty much all of them? Well maybe not the Eighth, because Mary Sue's suggestion of everyone wearing American flag jumpsuits was turned down. [67]

  • In this world, Sayaka seems to have some Iaido training, does it come naturally as a part of the "muh eversor sword proficiency" or did Sayaka have to learn from a master? Is her style that general freehand saber-dueling stuff or does she incorporate eastern swordplay when using her regular sword?
    • Eversors are more or less expected to be competent, if not be a master of a handful of styles. The Ninth Officio mandates that a neophyte must have mastery of at least ten styles, both armed and unarmed combat, to be minted as a fully-fledged Eversor. Sayaka takes that and ratchets it all up to insane degrees - I would say she spends most of her time just training, and training, and training to be the absolute best at what she does. If you've ever heard of the expression where you may think you're the best, but down the road, someone stronger and more talented is training themselves up to smash you into the ground? Sayaka wants to be that latter person for EVERYONE. [68]

  • Do megucas keep in touch with their parents if they're still around or is that frowned upon?
    • Nope! It's only that they don't talk too much about mission details or their work as Magical Girls. Less of a fuss that way. [69]

  • Does your Officio have any secret weapons/last resorts?

  • Are there any megucas that live with their parents or families? I so, how do they deal with not being able to share such a large part of their lives with the people they live with?
    • There are! And basically it's because of the money, or the prestige, or even being able to do things nobody else could. [71]

  • Do megucas keep in touch with their parents if they're still around or is that frowned upon?
    • Nope! It's only that they don't talk too much about mission details or their work as Magical Girls. Less of a fuss that way. [72]

  • Has a magical girl ever graduated college with a degree?
    • Of course! For Venenum, especially, you have to have a good handle on medicine and biology to be one. [73]

  • What determines if a magical girl lives in the Officio or in an apartment?
    • Her rank, and how well she gets along with the other girls in a communal quarters environment. [74]

  • Is the moon actually a giant robot?
    • No, there's just a moon base on it! [75]

  • What does the First do for fun?
    • Check out the nearby orbiting giant Grief Seed, be more powerful than anyone else on the planet, hold themselves back from drawing dicks on Offico headquarters with the moon laser, bowling. Bowling is pretty big there. [76]

  • If they don't draw dicks on the earthside Officio HQs, do the members of the 1st ever get creative with lazed art on non-officio surfaces?

  • Do you think short megucas like Rea and Odette have support groups for coping with their shortness?
    • Not really, no. I don't think they get bothered too much by being megucalets. [78]

  • How many magical girls actually make it through college, with a degree and everything?
    • Quite a lot! Kyuubey offers advanced and accelerated classes once megucas graduate from high school, if they want to do it full time (24-hour classes, that kind of thing). [79]

  • Besides the Culexus, how is the category of a magical girl chosen anyways? If it's on the weapon they get, how would they choose whether or not to be a Callidus? What if they have no weapon? Can they still be an Eversor or Vindicare?
    • The Incubator generally decides what kind of rank they're going into, and they usually can tell with the Soul Gem they make. They CAN choose to be a Callidus after basic training, provided they pass the trials for it and the Incubator/Warmaster approves. If they have no weapon, one will be provided. And yes, they can be an Eversor or Vindicare if they want. [80]

  • 17th officio is surely the politest, but which officio(s) are the nicest? The most magnanimous?
    • Hmm, I don't know about the nicest, because all Officios have their own interests. Maybe the Seventh fits your category? They're a refuge for disgraced/hunted Magical Girls who just want to disappear, and they help overwrite contacts. Getting to them is no easy feat, though. [81]