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Before Magical Noir Quest

(yb = years before)

Est. Before human history began: Incubator presence; possibly prior to [[The Great 
                                 Severing]]. Enlightening humanity, creating the first 
                                 magical girls.

Est. 17-19th Century: First through Tenth Incubators arrive on Earth

Est. 1930 (“late Interwar Period”): Eleventh through Twentieth Incubators arrive on Earth

Est. 1945: Officio system established.

Unknown, [[Hazuki]] Amane becomes Warmaster of the First Officio, in possession of the 
circa    Golden Shield (and other Golden Weapons). [[Haruka Amane]] is  
10YB:    sent elsewhere.

9yb:    Xiaomei Baocun contracts to the Seventh
        Leman Russ contracts to the Sixth

7yb:	Kotarou Yuu contracts to the Seventh
        Odette Brighton and Harriet Blinde contract to the Seventeenth

6yb: 	Kotarou Yuu obtains the XIth Golden Weapon
	Tomoe Mami and *Kure Kirika contracts to the Ninth [2 months prior to Malal?]	
   	Kaneda Madoka (Malal) contracts to the Ninth [2/3 months prior to Malal Quest?]
	The Springfield sisters contract to the Eighth
	Wendy Cooldown contracts to the Eighth
	Ekaterina Valnikov (Kharn) contracts to the Ninth
	Malal undergoes Warmaster training in the Ninth
        Lotte Laufson, Therese Witton and Miranda Farewell contract to the Seventeenth

5yb:	Malal Quest 
        Doctor Emma Strauss is banished from the Thirteenth, Fran Madaraki takes up her 
        position now as ‘Chief Director'
        Varrigan City cut off from the outside world
        First Maerorus discovered
	Amber Nakajima contracts to the Eighth
    	Sakura Kyoko contracts to the Ninth
        Miki Sayaka contracts to the Ninth [5 months after Malal Quest]
	Karasawa Enishi contracts to the Ninth
        Erebus is demoted from her position of High Marshal and excommunicated along with 
        her followers 
        Raleigh Alondight becomes the High Marshal of Black Templars

4yb:	Kharn becomes an Eversor proper, distinguishing herself.
	Rea Ashford contracts to the Ninth

3yb:	Kharn becomes Warmaster of the Ninth
        Brie Eldridge dies in battle, Odette Brighton becomes Warmaster of the 
        Seventeenth, over half of the Seventeenth lost; all in suspicious circumstances.

Between The Ninth Incubator hatches a plan with “The Stranger”, 
1945-   later involving Malal. 

2yb:	Mami Quest, Girl A (Murderface) is found
    	Kyuubey Quest, Chitose Yuma (Omegon) contracts to the Ninth
        Sayaka Quest
        Tokyo Consensus/Great Exile: First Officio exiled to Moon
	Dahlia Marigold resigns as Warmaster of the Eighth and joins the Seventh, Mary 
        Sue Springfield is the new Warmaster
        Miranda Farewell dies, Odette becomes increasingly unstable
        Walpurgisnacht’s arrival is first predicted.   

1.5yb:	Kharn Quest, the Third Officio is dissolved and absorbed into the Ninth
     	Ishikawa Kumatora contracts to the Ninth [6 months after Girl A]
        Forgotten Story

30      Walpurgisnacht manifests, triggering near-Walpurgisnacht-class witches to appear 
April   across 5 locations world-wide, Malal and all but one of the Ninth's Culexus die 
2011    to the true Walpurgisnacht.
     	Kharn abdicates her position as Warmaster of the Ninth, becomes Murderface's 
        partner in shenanigans before leaving to Siberia.
	Mami takes up the vacant position as Warmaster-in-training in the Ninth

1yb:    Midori Hanegawa contracts to the Tenth       
        Wendy dies in battle with Nicole, later brought back by Pinky

0.5yb:  Kharn retires/exiled to the Ninth's R&D facilities in Siberia [6 months 
        before MGNQ], leaving the Ninth without a leader. 
        Odette Brighton demoted, Therese Witton becomes Warmaster of the Seventeenth [??? 
        months before MGNQ]. 
0.1YB:  Murderface/Girl A goes AWOL again, losing her memory.

0yb:	MGNQ begins. Chiaki Matsuda appears.


*This is sort of a retcon since in the Retirement Arc, Kirika is written to be 17 years old and three years into service in the dossier.