Magical Girl Noir Quest: The Reading

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Revision as of 02:43, 30 November 2014 by Hebiko (talk | contribs)
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A read-aloud project recently started by Hebiko from whim, which rapidly expanded into a small team (Studio Dickbutt) of MGNQ fans collaborating to create the videos on Youtube. This project has since become officially sanctioned and directly supported by Deculture himself. The team's roster is always subject to change as we continue to grow and expand.

Banner image by Deculture


Team Leads

  • Hebiko - The president and founder of Studio Dickbutt, primary video editor and frequent narrator
  • Blarg - Producer / Team Manager / Voice Actor
  • Deculture - Official Mascot and Cheerleader

Main Team

  • AirtightTrash - Voice Actor and Main Artist
  • Skeyerage - Voice Actor
  • Vok - Voice Actor
  • Pls.Respond - Voice Actor
  • Dimunsis - Voice Actor

Idol Training in Progress

  • Attarou


  • Ratman - Backup VA

Recent News

  • (11/29/14) - Just to keep people updated, Thread 1 Redo and Thread 6 are slowly coming along. Most of the content has been put together for T1 Redo, though we've run into issues with who is voicing Sayaka. If you believe you are capable of voicing a good Sayaka, drop us a line. Thread 6 on the other hand will require more time. Please remain patient with us!


Main Channel

Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Thread 4
Thread 5