Officio Assassinorum

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The Officio Assassinorum was a concept created and pushed by a handful of Incubators, led by Kyuubey, in order to bring a semblance of formalization and organization to contractees all oevr the world. This was mainly to keep territorial disputes and infighting to a minimum. It was also a way to legitimize the operation as a whole, raise it from its clandestine underground status, and basically make the entire thing a well-greased machine running on tangible resources and adequate support rather than counting on the mettle of a few bright, but still decidedly fragile Magical Girls. To prevent the heat death of the universe requires more than just a clean heart, a pure Soul Gem and a handful of grief seeds - one also needs synergy. Bureaucracy. Zazz. With the Officio Assassinorum came the classification of Magical Girls.[1]

The Officios work mostly like huge businesses with their respective Incubator as CEO. Some formed international alliances, some are rivals and some sworn enemies. But while their employees might consider each other enemies, the Incubators themselves still see themselves as brothers. [2]

The First

The best. The brightest. The Ultramarines of the setting. They only induct Warmasters and Magical Girls of note.

Location: The Moon

Warmaster: Hazuki Amane

Incubator: Unknown

It is said that a candidate for the First needs the combat prowess of Kharn and the heart of Mami to be half as good as what it takes to get in. The First Incubator is confirmed to be the leader of the Incubator operations on Earth. While each of them acts mostly independently, he has the right to intervene when seen fit and can invite magical girls from all Officios to join his forces without repercussions.

The Second

The Holy Inquisition of the setting. Witch Hunters and seekers of Magical Girls turned rogue. Abhors heresy. Has a division called the Black Templars.

Location: Unknown castle in Britain

Warmaster: Gertrude von Egisheim

Incubator: Unknown

The Third

Dissolved. Incubator Status Unknown. Folded into the Ninth.

Last Known location: Japan

Last Acting Warmaster: Ahriman

Former Incubator: Sanbey

The Third Incubator arrived on Earth long before Kyubey and helped him get started. They shared friendly relations until the Third Warmaster, Ahriman, sacrificed a large number of magical girls in a plot to gain the Blessed Lady's favor. She was struck down by the Ninth Warmaster at the time, Kharn Valnikov, and the Third's contracts were transferred to the Ninth.

It has recently been revealed that not all of the Third's contracts were transferred over to the Ninth Officio. Several rogue squads broke off in a rebellion which nearly cost Murderface her life.

The Fourth

Details Unknown.

The Fifth

Details Unknown.

The Sixth

Monster Hunters. The Warmaster is rumored to be a monster herself.

Location: Australia

Warmaster: Unknown

Incubator: Unknown

The Seventh

The Peacekeepers. An Officio centered around peace and spirituality. The Incubator contracts Magical Girls seemingly at random, and gladly provides refuge for Magical Girls who want to escape from their Officio.

Location: Unknown

Warmaster: Unknown

Incubator: Unknown

Formerly the Officio of Yuu Kotarou

The Eighth

The Assassins. A very powerful Officio powered with the funding and technology of the most hamburger nation in the world, America. The Incubator is a strange one.

Location: Santa Destroy, California

Warmaster: Mary Sue Springfield

Incubator: Eightball

An Officio filled with bloodthirsty lunatics, even by magical girl standards. They are in competition with the United Assassins Association. The Eighth Officio is home to Wendy Cooldown, a mysterious character occasionally appearing in Chiaki's dreams. A party of the Ninth visited their HQ in a flashback featuring Sayaka. Other events concerning the Eighth Officio take place in side-stories written by Wendy Cooldown and -That- Guy.

The Ninth

The Murderers. Equal to the Eighth in power, funding and technology through its shrewd Incubator, this Officio in Japan always gets the most lucrative of assignments, along with the Eighth. It also owns quite a lot of business ventures all over the world, and a mysterious R&D facility in Siberia.

Location: Mitakihara, Japan

Warmaster: Chiaki Matsuda

Incubator: Kyuubey

Home to the quest protagonists, the Ninth Officio and its Incubator are one of the most important resources at the players disposal, even more so since Chiaki Matsuda's promotion to Warmaster. It is the biggest and most efficient Officio, even the other Incubators admit to Kyubey's skill despite their rivalries.

The Tenth

The Thugs. An Officio that had taken to underground dealings to expand its power. Hires out its Magical Girls to criminal organizations.

Location: Mitakihara, Japan

Warmaster: Saki Asami

Incubator: Jyubey

Previously home to Midori Hanegawa, the Tenth Officio uses underhanded tactics in a ruthless manner to achieve its goals. They are suspected of actively working against the Ninth. The Tenth Incubator Jyuubey is sort of an outcast among his brothers. Their elite members are collectively known as The Pleiades Saints.

The Eleventh

Details Unknown

The Twelfth

Details Unknown

The Thirteenth

The Chemists. Comprised primarily of Venenum rank magical girls.

Location: Unknown

Warmaster: Unknown

Incubator: Unknown

The only information known about this Officio as of now has been told through the point of view of their first Warmaster, Emma Strauss. [3]

The Fourteenth

The Soldiers of Faith. An Officio installed in the Vatican. Its Warmaster is a hedonist. Allied to the Second.

Location: The Holy See.

Warmaster: Nero

Incubator: Unknown

The Fifteenth

Details Unknown

The Sixteenth

Working in the Middle-East. Their HQ is a heavily stealthed aircraft carrier.

Location: Mobile, stealthed aircraft carrier

Warmaster: Sofiya Pavlovena

Incubator: Jyuro

Events revolving around the Sixteenth are depicted in side-stories by Rin, Saga of the Sixteenth.

The Seventeenth

The Canadians. Current status unknown.

Location: Toronto, Canada

Warmaster: Therese Witton

Incubator: Fubey

So far all events taking place in the Seventeenth Officio are depicted in side-stories by Archivalfag, Prose Magica.

The Eighteenth

Details Unknown

The Ninteenth

Details Unknown

The Twentieth

Rumored to be an organization made up completely of Callidus.

Location: Unknown

Warmaster: Unknown

Incubator: Unknown


Each Officio has their own variation of predicting witch events and other relevant things. The Second uses prayers and seer visions, the Fourth uses statistical analysis, the Seventh reads from tea leaves. The Ninth utilizes its Culexus prognostications which gives the most accurate results.